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Can I Sell My House in Foreclosure in Florida ?

Can I Sell My House in Foreclosure in Florida ?

Foreclosure is a situation that homeowners never want to find themselves in. However, financial setbacks, loss of employment, or unexpected expenses can sometimes make it difficult for homeowners to keep up with their mortgage payments. In the state of Florida, which has historically had one of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation, understanding your rights and options is crucial. One of the questions many homeowners in distress ask is, “Can I sell my house in foreclosure?”

Understanding Foreclosure in Florida

Florida’s foreclosure system is rooted in its adherence to a judicial foreclosure process. In this approach, should a homeowner default on their mortgage payments, it becomes incumbent upon the lender to seek legal recourse. Instead of immediately seizing the property, the lender is obligated to file a lawsuit in the respective county where the property is situated. This procedure underscores the importance of due process and ensures that homeowners are given a chance to respond or defend themselves in a court of law. The judicial framework aims to balance the rights of both the lender and the borrower, offering a structured pathway that seeks to address the complexities surrounding foreclosure. This meticulous approach provides homeowners with opportunities to explore alternative solutions or seek legal representation, reinforcing the state’s commitment to safeguarding its residents’ rights even in financially precarious situations.

The Timeline of the Foreclosure Process in Florida

  • Initial Default: After a homeowner misses a mortgage payment, they fall into what is termed as a default status. This initial default acts as a precursor to the lender’s forthcoming actions.
  • Notice of Default: Following the initial default, the lender is obligated to send the homeowner a notice of default. This document serves as a formal acknowledgment of the missed payment and also acts as a warning that further missed payments could lead to more severe consequences.
  • Lis Pendens Filing: If subsequent payments remain unpaid and no resolution is reached between the homeowner and lender, the lender can then file a lis pendens. This Latin term, translating to “suit pending,” signifies the commencement of the official legal foreclosure process in the courts.
  • Foreclosure Lawsuit: Absence of a response or settlement post the filing of lis pendens prompts the lender to initiate a foreclosure lawsuit. This legal action is a direct appeal to the courts to grant permission for the lender to repossess the property due to the homeowner’s persistent default.

This entire process can take anywhere from a few months to over a year, depending on various factors.

Can You Sell Your House During Foreclosure?

Yes, homeowners can sell their house even after the foreclosure process has started. This type of sale is often referred to as a “pre-foreclosure sale” or a “short sale.” Here’s how it works:

  1. Short Sale: In a short sale, you sell the home for less than the outstanding mortgage balance. This requires the lender’s approval since they will be receiving less than what they are owed. However, lenders often prefer short sales over foreclosures because they can be less costly and time-consuming.
  2. Regular Sale: If you have equity in the home (meaning the home’s market value is more than what you owe), you can sell the home and use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage. This is the ideal scenario as it allows you to fully settle your debt and possibly walk away with some profit.

Benefits of Selling Your Home During Foreclosure

  • Avoid a Foreclosure on Your Credit Report: Foreclosure can have a significant negative impact on your credit score and remain on your credit report for seven years. Selling your home before it gets to that point can help protect your credit.
  • Potential for Debt Forgiveness: In some cases, especially with short sales, the lender might forgive the difference between the sale price and the outstanding mortgage balance, although this is not guaranteed.
  • Control over the Sale Process: Selling on your own terms allows you to have more control over the process, the price, and the timing.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Navigating Lender Approval: One of the foremost challenges in selling a home, especially in a short sale, is obtaining the lender’s consent. Since a short sale might result in the lender receiving less than the owed amount, their approval becomes paramount. This phase can be fraught with delays and uncertainties, requiring patience and negotiation skills.
  • Tax Implications and Debt Forgiveness: Often overlooked, the potential tax ramifications of a sale, especially in instances where the lender forgives a part of the debt, are significant. The forgiven debt might be considered taxable income, thereby adding to the homeowner’s tax liability for the year.
  • Real Estate Costs and Associated Fees: Selling a property isn’t without its costs. From real estate agent commissions to closing costs, the expenses associated with a sale can eat into the proceeds. Homeowners must be well-informed and prepared to address these fees to ensure they understand their net gains from the sale.
  • Market Conditions and Property Value: The state of the real estate market can heavily influence the sale. In a buyer’s market, obtaining the desired sale price can be challenging. Moreover, if the property’s value has depreciated, it may not fetch a price sufficient to cover the outstanding mortgage.


Navigating the complexities of foreclosure, especially in a state like Florida with its rigorous judicial process, can be daunting for homeowners. The challenges and considerations are numerous, but with the right guidance and knowledge, one can make informed decisions that protect both their financial and emotional well-being. Onboard Home Buyers has consistently demonstrated a commitment to assisting homeowners through this challenging terrain, providing expert advice, timely solutions, and a compassionate approach. Partnering with a trusted entity like Onboard Home Buyers can make the difference between feeling overwhelmed and feeling empowered during the foreclosure process.

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