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Understanding the Foreclosure Process in FL

Understanding the Foreclosure Process in FL

The foreclosure process can be confusing and distressing, especially if you are a homeowner who is potentially facing the loss of your home. The laws and procedures vary by state, and Florida has specific guidelines that both lenders and homeowners must follow. This article aims to outline the foreclosure process in Florida to help homeowners understand their rights and the steps involved.

Judicial Foreclosure

Florida is primarily a judicial foreclosure state, meaning that the lender must go through the court system to take back a property. Unlike non-judicial foreclosure states, where the foreclosure happens outside of the court system, the judicial process in Florida provides homeowners with an opportunity to challenge the foreclosure and potentially come up with a solution to keep their home.

Preliminary Steps: Notice of Default and Acceleration

Before a lender can initiate foreclosure proceedings, they must first issue a Notice of Default. This is sent after you’ve missed payments, typically around 90 days past due. The notice will explain that you are in default and provide a time frame for you to pay back the amount owed. If you don’t catch up on your payments within the time specified, the lender will issue an “acceleration letter,” which demands the payment of the full loan balance.

Filing a Lawsuit

If you are unable to catch up on your payments or negotiate a solution with your lender, they will then file a lawsuit in a Florida state court to initiate the foreclosure process. You will be served with a summons and complaint, and you have 20 days to respond. If you fail to respond, the lender may win by default, and the foreclosure will proceed without your input.

The Legal Process

1. Response and Discovery

What it means: After you’ve been served with a summons and a complaint, you have 20 days to respond. Your response can either contest the foreclosure or offer an alternative solution like a short sale, deed in lieu, or loan modification. If you decide to contest, the court initiates the “discovery” phase.

Why it’s important: Discovery is the pre-trial phase in a lawsuit where each party, through the law of civil procedure, can request documents and other evidence from other parties or compel the production of evidence by using subpoenas. You have an opportunity to ask for evidence from the lender that might help your case. The lender can also ask you for evidence that helps theirs.

2. Summary Judgment or Trial

What it means: In many foreclosure cases, the lender will file for a summary judgment. This is a request to the court to end the case early in their favor because there are no disputed material facts that need to be decided in a trial. If the court agrees, the foreclosure process moves ahead without going to a full trial. If not, the case will proceed to trial.

Why it’s important: Summary judgments can speed up the foreclosure process substantially. If you think there are facts that, if considered, could lead to a different outcome, it’s crucial to present them effectively at this stage.

3. Judgment and Auction

What it means: If the lender wins the case (either through summary judgment or at trial), the court will enter a judgment of foreclosure, and the property will be sold at auction to the highest bidder.

Why it’s important: This is the final step of the judicial process, after which you usually have no more legal recourse to save your home. However, you can still owe a deficiency if the sale price at auction doesn’t cover your mortgage debt.

4. Right of Redemption

What it means: The right of redemption would allow you to reclaim your home after the foreclosure sale by paying a specific sum of money within a set period. In Florida, there is generally no right of redemption after the sale.

Why it’s important: Knowing that Florida doesn’t allow for post-sale redemption means that once the house is sold at auction, the foreclosure process is typically complete, and you cannot reclaim your home.

Defenses and Alternatives

You may have legal defenses against foreclosure, such as:

  • Improper procedures: Lender not following proper notification and legal processes.
  • Standing: Lender cannot prove it owns the promissory note.
  • Loan modification: You may be eligible for a loan modification to lower your monthly payments.

Also, alternatives like short sales or deed in lieu of foreclosure can sometimes be negotiated with the lender.


Understanding the foreclosure process in Florida is critical for homeowners who are facing this difficult situation. The judicial nature of Florida’s foreclosure process does provide some time and legal protections for homeowners, but also requires active engagement with the court system. If you’re facing foreclosure, consult with a Florida-based attorney experienced in foreclosure defense to understand your rights and options.

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